Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. It is the one day where you are supposed to eat your face off and no one will judge you when you go back up to the buffet for a 3rd or 4th serving. Honestly, I wish everyday were Thanksgiving. I don't forget, though, what the holiday is truly about, just like I don't forget that Christmas is really about celebrating the birth of 5 pound, 6 ounce, newborn baby Jesus (copyright Talladega Nights/ one of the funniest movies/ every movie by Will Ferrel is histarically funny). When I sit down at the big table with my huge family eating our mile high plates, first I think "wow we are a family of gross fatasses". Then, I remember how lucky I am to have a family that loves and watches over me. This Thanksgiving is going to be the most thankful one yet though. I have been away from my family for the longest time ever and am in a new chapter of my life. Unfortunately, they aren't 20 minutes up the road where I can drive and talk to them about my problems or questions I have. When something that good isn't available like it used to be, you really understand how lucky and blessed you were to have that time with them. Of course, I call my relatives every once in a while when we just absolutely need to talk and catch up, but it's the little things I am thankful for this Thanksgiving that I got to experience everyday for 18 years. I am thankful for my amazing chef grandma who always knows how to entertain everyone with her random screaming comments like "Did ya forget to make the bed Sal!". Yea, she says that in the middle of dinner when it is completely irrelevant for her to be worrying about her bed being made. I am thankful I have two parents that are polar opposites but understand me and relate to me in their own unique ways. I will be going home for Thanksgiving and have a huge dinner feast with my big Italian family that knows how to have a great time no matter what. During my break, I will also see my other extended family, my friends. I can't wait to drive over to my friend Sirenna's house and meet up with all my friends for a cookie party (those things get out of control, trust me). We will bake 100 different desserts and probably make a music video we will regret. Someone, like my hilarious friend Blake, will probably act out Bella giving birth, like last time, in charades (you really had to be there, it was that moment where you laugh so hard you cry). All in all, I can't wait to spend time with the people I love in Boca Raton, my home away from my new home.

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