I was sitting on the bus, minding my own business, when I saw my friend reading a book. She had just finished it and I was obsessively staring at the back, from a distance, trying to read it. Of course my friend saw my book stalking and gave me the book to look it. The bus ride to our next soccer tournament was a very long one, so I began to read it. Like so many other girls, I fell in love with the book Twilight and its sequels. I hadn't even known it was going to be recreated into a movie until I saw the trailer for it on tv one day. I loved the book because even though it was slow in the beginning, it was mysterious and interesting as I kept reading. Bella, the main character, seemed a lot like me at the time: quiet, self conscious, and observant of everything around her. I loved the little things about her character like the way she would never understand or see that all the guys had a crush on her. Bella wasn't the only character that caught my interest though. Edward, the vampire that falls in love with Bella, was handsome and all knowing in a "I can read your mind" way (if only guys could do that in reality). The book was cute and very teen romancey so, as a freshman in high school, I was bound to like it. Once I saw the movie though, I was so pissed off. The setting wasn't the same as the book. The little conversations and details that I loved were cut out of the script. Even the way Bella acted wasn't the same as her character in the books. After complaining to my friends, who looked at me like I was crazy, I began to realize that the things I loved about the book were the insights into what Bella was thinking, which a director couldn't really display too well. I watched the movie again after it came out on dvd and all of the sudden couldn't stop watching it everyday. It's like my brain flipped the switch to screw with me. I started to find those little things that they put into the movie from the book as I kept watching, which made me fall in love with the movie also. The audience for the book and the movie both reached a younger, teen girl demographic that I related to at the time. Every girl wants to be swept off her feet by a handsome guy that has an edge to him, more or less. I still get those girly fantasy moments when I wish Edward went to my school and I could meet him. Then, again i wouldn't mind bumping into Jacob too!

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