Monday, December 3, 2012

Miles Long Happiness

There are a lot of things that make me happy, like upbeat music, painting and drawing and books, but the one thing that makes me feel that special kind of happiness that is completely effortless is my boyfriend. Kyle is the same age as me, 18, and attends West Point Military Academy in New York. The program is grueling and makes relationships almost impossible because of the lack of communication and time. They even label the relationships of West Point Cadets and their partners as the "1% club" because only 1% of the relationships last. During the first 2 months of college, I could only write him letters. It seems like a cute Notebook/Dear John fantasy, and even though it can be romantic, it was horrible. I couldn't see his face or hear his voice to see if he was doing well or not. The letters were never really in sync with the same conversation, so we would only get the generalities of our days. Imagine 2 months of "I love you" and "This program is the hardest thing I've ever had to do" as your only conversation. Those 2 months made me ask questions like, "What am I doing in a relationship with someone I literally never see?" and "Why am I in this extremely committed relationship this young?". After the 2 months were up, I flew to New York and met up with his family to visit him because New Cadets were not allowed to leave the Academy. I had this idea in my mind that when I saw him, I would know if these 2 months were a waste of time or totally worth it. I was standing in the courtyard of the academy, talking with his father, waiting for Kyle. Then, Kyle's father lifted up his video camera and had the biggest smile on his face. I turned around in just enough time to be tackled and hugged to death by Kyle. I knew as the minutes passed, and we started warming up to being next to each other again, that everything we went through together was completely worth it. Seeing him and being around him made me realize that I was missing that amazing happiness this whole time. He is the only one that can make me smile and laugh for hours straight about the stupidest things. He says the corniest things that make you want to roll your eyes and make fun of him, but at the same time hug and kiss him. He knows when I am upset just by the look on my face or the sound of my voice and won't leave me alone until I tell him so he can fix it and make me happy again. He is my best friend through and through and I can trust him with anything. He is the first person I say "Good morning!" to and the last person I say "I love you, goodnight!" to. He's the most amazing person I have met and he makes me feel like the luckiest person in the world. Even though we have challenges to face and miles between us that doesn't help, I honestly love him so much that it doesn't matter. Those phone calls and video chats are enough for those times we are apart because of how indescribably happy he makes me. Even though it sounds like I am a love-struck, naive school girl, all of what I am saying is completely true. I fell in love with my best friend and we have been together for 1 year and 1 month. As this school semester closes, I will take the long trip back to Boca and race to see Kyle, the one person who knows me better than anyone and how to make me the happiest version of myself. 
This quote basically says it all for me if my corny summary hasn't:
"We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love."
-Dr. Seuss 

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