Thursday, October 25, 2012

Random Writing from the English Major

     She looked across the room behind her shoulder. 
     Even though this was the first time she peeked over at him it wasn't the first time she thought about him. I should really stop, she thought, because if he caught her looking, he'd definitely know that he is all she thought about. It was written all over her face. Nevertheless, she won't stop because it is too damn hard. 
     There are no games with Elena. If he talks to her, she won't play hard to get or the "mysterious" girl from Twilight that is a puzzle to be figured out. She is just Elena Warnock, the girl that is shy on the surface and talks way too much about nothing around guys she likes. Not that she likes many guys. Just Haden Sultzman. 
     As she faced forward in class and watched Bridget Jones's Diary, the movie that her english teacher chose to watch and dissect, she was reminded of her ex boyfriend who was identical to the character Daniel Cleaver. Her ex Connor was one of the funniest guys she knew and he knew it too. He was tall and lanky and just smack in the middle between ugly and handsome. He definitely wasn't a guy well liked by girls because of his tendency to make rude jokes about them, but Elena saw something behind all those jokes before somehow. She saw that he was caring and nice when you got to know him one on one and that's what attracted her to him. 
     Connor hadn't been oblivious to her either, he basically stalked her. Every time she got out of class he was right there, walking her to the next one or holding her books. She couldn't shake him physically or mentally. Eventually she said yes to a date and then to being his girlfriend. She really did like Connor but there was always something that bothered her: he was a comedic bully. Connor had the ability to be insanely funny but sometimes he took it too far and Elena hated it when people were bullied. Even though her nature was to be shy and never give her two cents, when it came to someone being treated unfairly, she was the first to stand up and say something. Connor and Elena fought about this side of him hundreds of times but he never seemed to change his attitude so she pulled the plug. She just couldn't be with someone who was a complete asshole to others and wouldn't apologize.
     As the movie ended, she snapped out of her train of thought and tried very hard not to turn around. Of course it didn't work. She would allow herself to glance over one more time. She was usually very good at hiding her feelings from others, except when it came to Haden. She peeked over at Haden and as soon as she did his eyes fell on her and it was as if he could see into her soul, as cliche as that sounds. She was caught in Haden's deep blue green eyes when the teacher screamed her name.
   She whipped around, eyes wide at her teacher like she'd just been caught doing something shameful.
   "I asked you what Daniel Cleaver's characteristics in the film were in relation to the other male characters.", Ms. Wilkinson said in an annoyed tone.
   "Well... he...", stuttered Elena. Her mind went blank because A, she had the spotlight on her, and B, because she couldn't really answer that question in front of everyone the way she had already moments before in her head.
   "He's me in the future!", shouted out an obnoxious guy in the background. Of course it was Connor, of all people. 
   Everyone started laughing in the class but Elena. She was tired of his jokes that didn't seem to make her smile anymore. What was funny about him wanting to be an annoying prick?
   "I think he's a smug ass that treats people like shit and thinks he can get away with it because he thinks he is above everyone.", said Haden in the middle of all the laugher. Everyone fell silent and looked from Haden to Connor. 
     Did Haden just say that in reference to Connor? Why?
     Just as Connor was about to say something, that probably would make fun of Haden in front of everyone, the bell rang. Elena gathered her things and was heading out the door quickly when Haden stepped in front of her. 
     "Hey. Is it ok that I basically said what you were thinking just now?", asked Haden in a charming, pure voice that made Elena unable to comprehend anything around her, even Connor who was glaring at Haden from where he was standing. 
     "Um... how did you know?" Elena asked half laughing, half being completely serious.
     "Oh, I read minds." Haden said matter of factly.
     Elena's eyes went wide like a dear in headlights.
     Oh god, he better not be a vampire. I can't take anymore of that Twilight drama.
     "Elena.. I was just kidding." Haden said jokingly. "I don't need to read your mind to see what you're thinking." 
     Elena went red from head to toe. 
     Did he know how I felt about him? I only allowed myself to look over twice! People look at people around the room all the time, he couldn't know. I guess I didn't take into account the way I look at him... I have to watch out for that.
     "Oh... yea I know." Elena sighed. "It's a curse, makes me really bad at the card game Bullshit. Guess I am a bad poker buddy!", she said as she laughed awkwardly. 
     Why on earth did I say any of that!? He doesn't care about card games right now!
     Haden just looked at her and smiled like there was something funny he was keeping a secret.
    "Hey smartass.", said Connor curtly as he walked up next to Elena and stood next to her so their bodies were touching. Elena rolled her eyes.
     Why does he have to be so alpha male even when we aren't dating? 
     "Bye Daniel.", Haden said politely. "See ya later Elena, and I don't like Bullshit anyway.", he said with a glimmer in his eye. Then he walked away casually like every other day. 
     Elena just stared after him surprised because she knew exactly what his undertone was saying. 
    As Elena started walking to her next class, all she could concentrate on was Haden's beautiful deep blue green eyes that could see her better than anyone, and not Connor, who was apparently walking next to her making fun of Haden in every way possible. 

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